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ATTENTION Commercial & Municipal Properties including Apartments, Hotels, Parks, Golf Courses, Strip Malls and more!


ComEd is offering a rebate that can cover up to 100% of the installation cost of 10 LEVEL 2 EV charging units or up to 60% for LEVEL 3 Superchargers with a maximum of $500,000 rebate.
Call Kapital Electric today for a Free Consultation to see if you qualify.

EV Chargers for Condos in Chicagoland, NW Indiana and Northern Illinois

Kapital Electric, Inc has steadily built an outstanding reputation for delivering innovative energy systems to residential and commercial clients throughout Chicago, IL. EV chargers for condos are a specialty of our technicians, and we can help landlords and property owners convert their condos and multi-unit structures into energy-efficient locations. Our EV chargers pass our stringent standards, and we only offer high-quality and durable equipment. Most importantly, we can install your new EV charger quickly and efficiently so you can begin enjoying the benefits of an eco-friendly condominium or apartment complex.

Ev Charger Installation in Chicago, IL

The Benefits of EV Chargers for Condo and Multi-Unit Owners

We are proud of our reputation for providing all the benefits of electric vehicles. If you own or manage condos or a multi-unit complex, installing EV chargers is an excellent way to improve your standing in the business community and establish yourself as a leader in renewable energy. The benefits of using our services include:

  • Attract and Retain Residents: It is not always easy for potential renters or buyers to find a place to live with convenient access to charging. You can create an attractive place to live by installing EV chargers throughout your property.
  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: As electric-powered vehicles become more popular, future laws and regulations become more likely. If you have already installed EV chargers on your property, you won’t need to scramble when it is required.

Level Two and DC Fast Charging Options for You

Our company is at the forefront of the EV charger industry in Chicagoland and offers a range of options. For condo and multi-unit owners, we recommend at least level two stations. Since many electric cars need up to 20 hours to charge, you need the most powerful option. Level two charging delivers up to 40 miles of driving range per hour. On the other hand, DC fast charging is even more efficient and offers up to 100 miles of driving time. Get in touch with Kapital Electric, Inc. today.

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